The series was set to be produced by Brian Graden Media, and began filming in a house near Valencia, California. When YouTube Premium launched in October 2015, Graceffa's show was one of ten exclusive original series scheduled to debut in 2016, and was still an untitled project. Production YouTube Era (2016-19) Conception At the end of each episode, two guests are voted into a challenge to compete against each other, where the losing guest is eliminated via a fictional death until one or more guests ultimately win and are sent back to the modern world. To do this, the guests team up with him to participate in challenges and escape room puzzles, competing with each other to escape from the historical era by solving and completing them. Once there, they are cut off from the outside world, challenged to survive the night and escape the estate.
The series follows The Savant ( Joey Graceffa) as he finds himself in an estate in a past era, where he invites a number of guests to a party which requires them to act and dress as various personas from that era.